
Idly Perungaya Podi


Garlic Powder: A Fragrant Friend in Kerala Spice Shops

Stepping into a Kerala spice shop is a sensory feast. Vibrant colors, heady aromas, and the cacophony of bustling activity greet you. Among the treasures nestled within, a humble yet potent hero awaits: garlic powder.

Appearance: Unlike the stark white varieties found in supermarkets, Kerala garlic powder boasts a warm, earthy brown hue. Tiny specks of different spices like turmeric and black pepper peek through, hinting at its natural origins and complex flavor profile.

Idly perungaya powder is a key ingredient in making idlys, a popular South Indian breakfast dish. It is made from fenugreek seeds, which are roasted and ground into a fine powder. The powder adds a nutty flavor and a slightly spongy texture to the idlys.

Idly perungaya powder is available in most Kerala spice shops. It is typically sold in small packets or jars. The powder can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to six months.

To make idlys with idly perungaya powder, simply add a spoonful or two of the powder to your idly batter. Mix well and then steam the batter in molds. The idlys will be fluffy and flavorful, with a hint of nuttiness.

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Product Description

Idly Perungaya Powder: A Kerala Spice Shop Staple

Idly perungaya powder, also known as idly milagai podi or idly uppu, is a quintessential ingredient in Kerala cuisine. This flavorful spice blend adds a touch of heat and complexity to the beloved breakfast staple, idly.


  • Idly perungaya powder typically has a deep red color, with flecks of different spices like black pepper, red chilies, and fenugreek.
  • Some variations might be orange-red or even brown, depending on the specific spices used.
  • The texture is usually fine and powdery, but some shops might offer a slightly coarser grind.


  • Enhances idly flavor: Idly perungaya powder adds a touch of heat, spiciness, and complexity to the often bland idlis, making them more exciting to eat.
  • Digestive aid: The spices in the powder, like ginger and black pepper, are known to aid digestion.
  • Rich in nutrients: Some of the spices used, like fenugreek and cumin, are good sources of iron, magnesium, and other essential minerals.

Uses in Kerala Cuisine:

  • Idly: The primary use of idly perungaya powder is to sprinkle it over steaming hot idlis before enjoying them with chutney or sambar.
  • Dosa: It can also be used as a condiment for dosas, adding a similar burst of flavor.
  • Upma: A sprinkle of idly perungaya powder can elevate the taste of simple upma, a savory porridge made with semolina.
  • Curries: Some people use it sparingly in curries for a subtle heat and depth of flavor.

Features in Kerala Spice Shops:

  • Locally made: Many Kerala spice shops offer idly perungaya powder made fresh using local ingredients.
  • Varied spice combinations: The specific spices used in the blend can vary from shop to shop, giving you a chance to explore different flavor profiles.
  • Organic options: Some shops cater to health-conscious customers by offering organic idly perungaya powder made with naturally grown spices.
  • Pre-mixed or individual spices: You can find idly perungaya powder as a pre-mixed blend or purchase the individual spices and mix them yourself to customize the heat and flavor.


  • Start with a little: Idly perungaya powder can be quite spicy, so start with a small amount and adjust to your taste preference.
  • Store wisely: Keep the powder in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to preserve its flavor and aroma.
  • Experiment with different blends: Don’t hesitate to try different idly perungaya powders from various shops to find your perfect match.

So, next time you’re in a Kerala spice shop, don’t forget to pick up some idly perungaya powder. This vibrant blend is sure to add a touch of spice and excitement to your next breakfast or snack.


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